Camp Aparan is a 2 week overnight camp for children with disabilities that runs for 6 weeks during the summer months. The camp begins at the end of June and finishes the first week in August with 3 groups of children attending for a period of 2 weeks at a time.  There are usually around 30-40 children during each group. The camp is open to all children that are currently enrolled or have been enrolled at any of the Arabkir’s Child Developmental and Rehabilitation Centers (CDRCs) throughout Armenia. This camp is sponsored by Arabkir Medical Center in Yerevan with no cost for the children and parents that attend the camp.  Last year I attended the camp for a 2 week period were the campers had all types of disabilities from Autism to high functioning children.  The one need for the camp was sports equipment.  After meeting with the directors, counselors, and other volunteers, it was determined that sports equipment was a priority for the camp.  Currently the equipment is in very poor condition with soccer balls not holding air and the treads showing from wear.  The camp does have a ping-pong table that the children love and is working.  The paddles have long seen better days.

Project goals:

Goal 1: To obtain sports equipment for the Summer Camp for Children with Disabilities

  • Objective 1.1 By May purchase sports equipment for the summer camp.
  • Objective 1.2 By June have the equipment delivered to the camp.

Goal 2: To develop a curriculum that involves children with disabilities to education them on teamwork, sharing, and inclusion.

  • Objective 2.1 By June develop learning modules using the sports equipment that will be taught at the camp for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Objective 2.2 By the end of the 1st- 2 week camp, re-evaluate modules and make changes for the 2ndand 3rdcamps of the summer.

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