7 Nov 2021 - Evaluation of the 13th Congress
Now that the Congress went so well (Congratulations)
Easiest thing to do is ask people what they will do differently. Getting a few positive responses, like
- I will mobilize my local medical community
- we will reach out to other groups, find out what they are doing and collaborate
- I recognize and will address obstacles to COVID vaccination in Armenian communities
- we will increase our association efforts to provide educational support for physicians in Armenia and Artsakh, based on the survey by the MoH
would be great measures of self-rated competence. Some of the nicer responses could be shared in a survey to see how many people agree with them. It's almost too easy.
As Vicken says, "Now on to action." I feel pretty positive about increased collaboration between our associations, and maybe it's time to send out some feelers to see what is happening at that level. Then recheck each month for next few months. That might yield some performance measures
But there's also some reflecting.
- did the activity help you meet your Mission (most would agree hell yes)
- What did you learn from it? What would you do differently? These are just a few suggestions:
- pay better attention to time. A Congress that stays on schedule would really turn heads. Talk to speakers and moderators. 15 slides, a 90 second introduction and 4 thank yous is a lot to fit into a 10 minute time slot. (I call that the Zoomotional Rescue)
- Talk to the translators. How did they do? Why did the translation drop out from time to time? How did they cope when speakers talked faster because they had too much to say? Are they willing to explore new strategies?
- Set ground rules for speakers. We all know there was a bad war and a bad COVID epidemic. We don't need each speaker to elaborate on its devastating effect on the Armenian economy and psyche.
- Try to get some more feedback. Get as much as you can, filter it later.
Whatever you decide, put it in your CME committee minutes and maybe keep a copy of those notes with the planning document. Whatever changes you make, be sure to document them.
old notes from October:
What is your mission? Does this Congress help you meet your mission?
(if not, then why are you doing it?)
As we discussed, there are a lot of things that docs need to know in order to do our jobs better.
In this case, our job is defined as providing support and care to Armenian populations here in the Homeland. We will learn how the MoH plans to modify the healthcare system over next 5 years. We need to recognize and navigate those changes in order to function within that framework.
It isn't that different from going to CME activities that review Medicare changes, managed care concepts and the Affordable Care Act.
2. What are you trying to fix? What problems will you address? Have you wdiscussed this with the speakers?
The problems are several. We encounter difficulty navigating the Armenian healthcare system because it is dysfunctional, because many of us don't spend enough time here to fully understand the challenges our patients face and now the emphasis will change as the MoH develops new directions over coming years.
3. What do you want physicians to do differently, or have the ability to do differently, as a result of this Congress? Who is choosing the learning objectives, you or the speaker?
The question of who chooses the learning objectives is very important.
Do we ask the speakers what we need to learn, or do we tell them? I want to hear about the 5 year plan, but also want to know which health services are free and which aren't. I want to discuss where the MoH feels we are doing well and where we are not. I want to hear updated health statistics so my Armenian Medical Association can target our efforts.
5. Why do you think a lecture format is the best way to offer this training?
COVID is still a major factor and the lecture format will be the quickest way to disseminate info without putting us at risk.
6. What Desirable Physician Attributes are you trying to develop?
There are other DPAs besides medical knowledge and patient care.
communication skills, interdisciplinary teams, systems-based practice?
Systems-based practice is probably the single most important DPA. Others are likely pertinent.
7. Can you get financial disclosures from everyone involved? Might be tricky given that we don't know all the speakers yet.
I think this will be the main piece of work, and if you offer CME credit, then we need to get on this right away.
8. Are you getting commercial support? Are you paying any honoraria?
I am guessing the answers are No and No.
11. how will you evaluate the activity?
Just do a Survey Monkey or something simple. But reflect on the information you get and use it to decide whether you are meeting your Mission statement. Document in the CME committee minutes.