Mission: to patch up holes at SVMD


  • anxiety about new time schedule, 15/30
  • inconsistent Rx practices
  • patient experience
    • uncertainty about billing
    • lack of access
    •  communication with care team
  • inadequate HTN and DM scores
  • epidemiologic / new eyes on what's out there

learning objectives TBD, likely multidisciplinary


  • 1 on 1
  • live/lecture/Zoom
  • hands-on (skin Bx, I&D, suturing, nails, bedside US)

DPA: pt care, informatics, MD QOL, 

 SCS: we're not getting commercial support, need a means of collecting FRs, not all topics are clinical.

Evaluation based on performance and outcomes

Comm Criteria - involve students, PAs MAs community, CME research, creativity, achieves outcomes, public health




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