Dear All,

I arrived late to the AMIC meeting but understood that translation will be a major concern for the Madrid conference.  We discussed live translation to French, but must contend with English, French, Armenian, Russian, Spanish, German, Greek, Italian, (Arabic, Romanian, Turkish, Danish,  Farsi, what else?  Let's assume the Armenians from Holland and Norway are fluent in English!)
As some of you know, I presented an abstract demonstrating how Google Translate can be used to accommodate multiple languages at once.  It involves inserting a simple formula that looks like  =googletranslate(A2,"en", "fr")   into multiple cells of a Google Sheet that can then be projected onto a screen, or viewed on a remote computer or handheld device. 
Some engineers in Armenia (Fantasy Space) have created a usable interface (  that allows rapid setup of a tool to translate a source language into 3 translated languages, and all of these languages can be chosen on the spot.  Users could choose additional languages on their personal devices, in person or remotely.  The demo version (select "Demo" from upper right corner) is available to explore.  The final version would allow setup of multiple concurrent sessions (such as during breakout meetings).  A GPT program runs in the background and measures the accuracy of translation back-translating to the original language and  compares how closely the back-translation matches what was originally entered.
It is not live voice-to text translation.  It is more like subtitles, designed to help the listener stay "caught up" with the discussion.  Entry of text into the system may be done in any of several ways, but attention is paid to simplicity of sentence structure.  Complex verbage is avoided in order to maximize translation accuracy.
It has some ready advantages:
  • essentially free of cost
  • No need for electronic earpieces
  • can be adapted to any setting, including breakout sessions.  Takes a few minutes to set up.
  • It is easy to adapt to nearly 100 languages.  The "en" and "fr" above refer to English and French, and can be changed to whatever language we prefer. (In the app, you can rapidly change between all of the supported languages within seconds.)
  • can translate to as many languages as you want.  Easy to add languages if someone shows up from Japan
  • automatically updates on all the devices logged into the Google Sheet
  • back-translation to the original language shows when there is a bad translation if the original and the back-translation don't match.  (The engineers at Fantasy Space are working to install GPT measurement of translation accuracy for each language using this back-translation comparison to original text.)
  • ability for the viewer to focus on a single language
  • can accommodate someone viewing a conference call remotely.  These viewers can choose their own language using the app.
and some disadvantages:
  • Translation appears like a subtitle, lags a few seconds behind the speaker (since someone is typing, pasting or dictating it into the app)
  • requires someone to enter the text for translation (I use voice dictation, or cut & paste, but fast typing also works OK)
  • the person entering text must avoid idioms or complex sentences
  • Currently looks like a spreadsheet.  Engineers in Armenia are working with me to create a better end-user experience.  (see
I have listed some references below.  Meanwhile, I'd be very happy to offer a live demonstration online.  We could experiment with several source languages.  What do you think?
Cheers / Salud / Santé / Prost / Cin Cin / Կենաց /  ваше здоровье
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Chers collègues, cet outil peut être utile pour notre prochain Congrès Amic à Madrid. Il se traduira entre 100 langues. Nous aurons besoin de plusieurs langues pour cette conférence européenne. Je serai heureux de le démontrer lors d'une réunion de zoom. Parlons!
Հարգելի գործընկերներ, այս գործիքը կարող է օգտակար լինել Մադրիդում մեր հաջորդ Ամիկ կոնգրեսի համար: Այն թարգմանելու է 100 լեզուների միջեւ: Այս եվրոպական համաժողովի համար մեզ անհրաժեշտ կլինի մի քանի լեզուներ: Ես ուրախ կլինեմ դա ցույց տալ խոշորացման ժողովում: Եկեք խոսենք!
Estimados colegas, esta herramienta puede ser útil para nuestro próximo Congreso Amic en Madrid. Traducirá entre 100 idiomas. Necesitaremos varios idiomas para esta conferencia europea. Estaré encantado de demostrarlo en una reunión de zoom. ¡Hablemos!
Уважаемые коллеги, этот инструмент может быть полезен для нашего следующего конгресса AMIC в Мадриде. Он переведет между 100 языками. Нам понадобится несколько языков для этой европейской конференции. Я буду рад продемонстрировать это на собрании масштабирования. Давай поговорим!
Beste collega's, deze tool kan nuttig zijn voor ons volgende amicscongres in Madrid. Het vertaalt tussen de 100 talen. We hebben verschillende talen nodig voor deze Europese conferentie. Ik zal het graag demonstreren in een zoombijeenkomst. Laten we praten!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
You can read the abstract about Polyglot and access the link to the Polyglot spreadsheet:  There is also a link from the home page.
This page shows the details of creating a Polyglot tool:     
(this shows how the Google Sheet can be used to create your own Polyglot translation tool.
It's now easier to check the Demo at
Here is a link to an actual Polyglot page.  Feel free to use it, or make a copy for your own experimentation:  
   The improved user interface is located at

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