Armenian Medical International Committee has a new website -
please see

Armenian Healthcare Projects Database
& bulletin board
Searchable database*

This searchable database lets you find info by entering key words in to the search bar, above.  For examply, "ortho" typd into the search bar will find every page containing the letters ortho, orthotics, orthopedics, orthodox etc.  Specific search terms (like your name, your pet's name) can be added as metadata to help quickly find the pages for the project.

We are happy to include your project in the database.  

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 Come to the 

14th Armenian Medical World Congress 

  “Medicine in Motion: Turning Scientific Insights into Action”

  Madrid, July 3 to 5, 2025


   menina AMWC 2025 color Held at Universidad Complutense de Madrid 
 Hosted by Asociación Medica Armenia
 This is the first European AMWC since the
7th Congress held in Lyon in 1998


Registration now open

online participation also available


Please see  

  Hotel info at 



For links to CME planning and others:

Other pages may be found by typing CME in the search bar above.  Some refer to CME planning for 6IMCA.


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(public service announcement)


Our local SF organization was contacted regarding images of the evacuation from Artsakh used on our association website earlier this year.  PicRights International Inc contacted us via snail mail on behalf of Reuters and demanded payment of $700.  Removing the images from the website was not sufficient.  They lowered the charge by 30% to $490 after we explained how it happened.  Had we defaulted, we might have ended up on the losing side of a court case with the associated legal fees.

While I wish this could have ended differently, I consider the amount not excessive, for an education in intellectual property, and ultimately for supporting journalists who traveled to a hostile zone to capture those images


 Armenian flag


Some translation assistance at AMWC2025 may include written translation, either accompanying slides or spontaneous.  See the Polyglotte page at


Armenian flag

Stay tuned for the 7th International Medical Congress of Armenia 2027

Chaired by  Prof. Armen Muradyan, YSMU Rector


 The Armenian Medical International Committee (AMIC) exists as a coordinating umbrella for various Armenian medical associations located throughout the world. We aim to encourage cooperation and reduce duplication of efforts.

To this end, we maintain this database of Armenian healthcare providers and a directory of healthcare related projects serving Armenian communities. 


* this database is searchable by typing into the search bar at the top of the page.
For example, searching "dental" will find all the posted articles containing the word "dental".
You can also include metadata to help you locate your own project's page(s), such as your name or a unique word of your choice.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.


If you would like to have your projects listed in our 
Armenian Healthcare Projects Database
(of course you would!)
then please see the suggested form at Entering information about
Armenian healthcare projects


Armenian Medical International Committee
has a new website
New telephone #  +1 818 980 7777
email   menq.enq.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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